Wednesday, March 18, 2015


If I were offered $50 right now or $100 in one year, I would choose $50 right now. The reason I would choose that is because I rather get half of a hundred now than to wait a year for the $100.

My goals in life are to go to college and to get a career as an elementary teacher, to be a yoga instructor as well, live somewhere other than here, and to be happy. Obviously there are many more things I want to do in life but those are my main ones. I have the plan all figured out but it's all scattered around right now. It all will take time to accomplish and I may fail at it at first but I know I can do anything if I set my mind to.

My plan is to graduate from high school go to IVC for 2 years transfer to a University. I want to move to LA, preferably somewhere by the beach with my friend Ashley. We both want to be elementary teachers so moving together would be a lot of fun because we'll be helping each other to both major in Education. I also want to get certified as a yoga instructor. So that can be another one of my jobs. One of my biggest dreams is to travel the world. To go somewhere new like every 3 months would be so cool. I know accomplishing my goals will give me a life time of fulfillment . That is why my mind is set to not give up and continue to strive for better.

Having goals is a great way to keep you out of trouble and have something to look forward to. But accomplishing them is a whole different experience because you have become a better version of yourself by your own thoughts and dreams. There will always be something negative there to make you think you can't do it but giving them all the reasons that you can sounds a lot more entertaining.

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